Roller brush

Roller brush

Quick and easy cleaning - with its rotating brush spots dirt with minimal effort and without a harsh chemical.
Ideal for people with joint, knee and back pain - clean without bending or kneeling.
Perfect for cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, garden, car etc. Does not cause any scratches or marks.
You can reach hard-to-reach areas, corners, and cracks without any effort.

It comes with 3 different brush heads to suit all of your cleaning needs.
For internal and external use. Cut the soap basin, mold, and dirt.
Water Resistant - A waterproof seal design that makes it safe to work in wet conditions like showers, bathtubs, sinks, etc.
Wireless and rechargeable - more comfortable and hassle free.

Charging time: 5 hours
Working time: about 60 minutes

#Notice :
1. Generally the first charge requires 20 hours, but subsequent shipping takes only 5-7 hours.
2. Please keep the device closed during the charging process.

1 spin washing device
3 cleaning brushes
1 extension column
1 AC adapter

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