Bouncy and swinging children

Your child will be safely inside the bouncer because it is padded with cotton to secure the movement of the child
It comes with a sturdy buckle and strap for length adjustment
Bouncy kids learn to walk and ease of movement
Product features (baby bouncy) after the development process
Equipped with straps for expansion and tightening
Metal padded cotton stand
Equipped with belt for appropriate height adjustment
Easy to clean
In any ring in the roof, the door, or any other ring, it is related to the child learning to walk, the ease of movement, and the strengthening of the man. At the same time, it distracts the child. And safe because it is connected with a zip to suit the child's height
Base lined with cotton to protect the child's body
Chill up to 30 kg.
Used from a month to 3 years

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